PRUSA Pension Plan

(Closed to New Entrants)


Certain employees hired prior to January 1, 2012, are automatically enrolled in the Pension Plan if you have at least one (1) year of service and are at least 21 years old and haven’t had a five-year break in service. The Pension Plan is a “defined benefit” plan, and is 100% paid for by the Company. The amount of your benefit at age 65, your Normal Retirement date, is based on a formula that takes into account your final average compensation, years of service, and Social Security Covered Compensation. You can also take an Early Retirement benefit at age 55 if you have at least 15 years of service (special rules apply to some groups of employees.) When you decide to retire, there are a number of optional annuity forms of payment available to you, including options with different levels of survivor benefits. You are 100% vested in the Pension Plan after five (5) years of continuous service.

To learn more about your AD/PRUSA pension benefit, visit Mercer PenCentral or call the Pernod Ricard USA Pension Center at Mercer 1-866-412-7884 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday.

Now available, you can estimate your Pension with our new Pension website “Mercer PenCentral”. Click on the link below to:

  • Review and verify your personal and employment pension data.

  • Access the Summary Plan Description for specific Plan details.

  • Model your benefit using various retirement assumptions to get an estimated value of your pension benefit, and even request to initiate your pension benefit.

    • (Note: It is recommended to initiate your request three months before you want to begin your pension benefit)